Email *
Emergency Contact Phone *
Pup's Name *
Breed *
Weight *
Age *
Is your dog spayed/neutered? * Yes No
Vet Name *
Vet's Phone Number *
Would you like us to notify your vet in case of an emergency? * Yes No
Is your dog on any flea or tick prevention? * Yes No
Is your dog on heart worm protection? * Yes No
Is your dog good with other dogs? * Yes No Maybe/Unsure
Has your dog ever bitten someone? * Yes No
Has your dog ever attacked or bitten another dog or animal? * Yes No
Is there any PERSON, type of DOG or SITUATION your dog seems uncomfortable with? (children, men, hats etc) * Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Has your dog shown any signs of food aggression? * Yes No Maybe
Has your dog ever shown signs of toy aggression? Yes No Maybe
Is your dog 100% potty trained? * Yes No
Are there any housetraining or other issues we should know (e.g. chewing, potty training, separation anxiety)? *
Where does your dog sleep? *
How often is your dog around other dogs outside of the home? *
What is your dog's favorite toy? (e.g. ball, rope, squeeky, plush) *
Are there any places your dog does not like to be touched? *
How old, and under what circumstances did you adopt your dog? *
Does your dog have issues with enclosures or being alone in a room? Yes No Maybe/Unsure
Please provide any relevant background information such as history of abuse, lack of socialization or other events that may impact socialization and care. *
Has your dog participated in group play in the past? * Yes No
If yes, where?
Has your dog ever had cause for concern during group play? (if yes, please explain *
Has your dog had training classes? * Yes No
If you had classes, please indicate where, how many and specific goals?
Please indicate what type of collar you currently use * Standard snap collar Buckle collar Break-away collar Prong/pinch collar Shock Collar Harness Gentle lead Other
If other, please specify
Has your dog ever tried to dig under or jump over a fence? Yes No
Does your pet have any special needs or illness? (please describe if so)
Does your dog have any allergies? * Yes No
If yes, please explain
Please list all medications your dog takes? (include time of day) *
What brand of dog food, how much and how often? *
Is your dog allowed to have any snacks? (e.g. carrots, treats, popcorn)n * Yes No
If other, please specify:
Do you plan to have your dog use daycare, boarding or both? Daycare Boarding Both
How frequently do you plan to use our services?